Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm a Man and I Can Fix That !

 Don't have a spoon? I can fix that!
 Seatbelt broken? I can fix that! (Is that a neck brace you have on?)
 New TV too big for the old cabinet? I can fix that!
 No bottle opener? I can fix that!
Room too dark using compact fluorescents? I can fix that!

Thanks David !


  1. That's so funny! I should do one about how women "fix" stuff. I use a butter knife as a screwdriver, cooking spray on squeaky hinges, hairspray as bug spray, and shoes as hammers. ;)

  2. How did you get that picture of my new TV?

  3. That's why I love the Red Green show. Handy men!

  4. Fuzzy, it sounds like you'll be quite entertaining with your new blog piece. I'll be waiting.

  5. Randy, wives and girlfriends are my best spies.

  6. Supi, the only thing missing here is duct tape. I have 40 of Red Green's finest on my YouTube channel.

  7. Haha, don't hold your breath. I've still not committed to a non-political blog (though I've been thinking about it for a while).

  8. I love what they did with those useless fluorescent light bulbs.

  9. Fuzzy, mix it up on yours. You don't need two. I'm not holding breath.

  10. Opie, me too except it kind of defeats the purpose of saving ANYTHING.

  11. Naw, I'm a bit OCD about keeping things organized, so I'd definitely need a separate blog now that Fuzzy Logic has turned into a political blog. It used to be a bit of everything until BO showed up and started destroying my country.

  12. OK OK ... let's get you started on a second blog and call it "Fuzzy's Lint" or ....

  13. Fuzzy's Lint, lol. I went with "Just Fuzzy" but that's a goodun. :)

  14. Christopher, Brought to you by your favorite Greenie Weenies.

  15. we hate those compact flouresents. nefffer gonna buy those ugly nasty bulbs.

    These are great ideas -- taking notes


  16. We've all been there with the TV.

  17. Pierro, We'll need to invent a cat's paw pen fir ya ... Bonks!

  18. Trestin, you mean you destroy your cabinets every time you buy a new TV?

  19. That TV cabinet works for me. I always choose function over extra expense and aesthetics. Hehehe.

  20. Those are some great solutions! It's called getting her done any way possible. Funny stuff Odie.

  21. On Watch, Those darn wide screens do it every time.

  22. Teresa, do you any of these going on in your place?


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