Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm a Man and I Can Fix That ! #2

 Electrical problem? I can fix that!
 Car stereo stolen? I can fix that!
Bookshelf cracking under the weight? I can fix that!
 No ice chest? I can fix that!
Can't read the ATM screen? I can fix that!

Thanks David !


  1. I remember having a bookshelf similar to that, it was next to the entertainment center I had to carve on to make the TV fit...It must be the girlfriend sending these pics to you, the wife would never.

  2. and I dare say, that new 'car stereo'
    looks great! and I can imagine it is of a much higher quality!

    bonks for a happy Monday

  3. Randy, Never share the same stories with both.

  4. Pierro, This is a great choice alright. It has a CD player.

    Happy Mancat Monday ... bonks.

  5. The first one just does not look like a good idea at all.

  6. Christopher, oh come on ... it'll be fine once it welds that hinge in place.

  7. I love the stereo and the ice chest.

  8. The ingenuity of the half-assed repair technician. It never ceases to amaze.

  9. I will be standing at ATM's all day now to see if some attractive lady will be willing to shed her shirt so that I can see the screen.

  10. I like the book title to the left of the stack of books.

  11. "If you can't be hansom, you can be handy!"....Red Green

  12. You're so helpful. I hope your homeowners insurance is up to date, Odie!

  13. Opie, definitely looking like great ideas.

  14. Admiral, I prefer to call my work half-fast.

  15. Scooney, "Right you are ...", Woodsterman

  16. Bunni, we do it your selfers pay double premiums.

  17. Oh man.... sometimes you've just gotta shake your head in wonder! :-)

  18. Love that fix for the car stereo!

    As for the bookshelf, well, I've used that same technique several times. LOL.

  19. I can see how all these things would work..but I'm not trying any of them except the ice chest. The books been there. Done that!

    Hope you are having a Good Week

  20. Stopsign, we all need our ice chests, but mine has to have wheels.


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