Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm a Man and I Can Fix That ! #3

Car imported from the wrong country? I can fix that!
 Satellite go out in the rain? I can fix that!
Electric stove broken & can't heat coffee? I fixed that.
Wiper motor burned out? I can fix that!
Display rack falling over? I can fix that!

Thanks David !


  1. A guy will need his coffee hot to figure out the electrical WTF. Great laugh first thing, thanks Odie.

  2. Ingenuity, it is what makes humans different.

  3. Randy, do you think the WTF could be an extension cord from the room behind the wall?

  4. Teresa, that's why we guys have these great big fat thumbs.

  5. You never let us down Woodster. Keep em coming.

  6. I like the shoe propping up the iron the best. That shows true use-whatever's-at-hand ingenuity. Well, and so does the watermelon. I like the shoe and the watermelon. And the umbrella. The shoe, the watermelon, and the umbrella. And the steering wheel...

  7. Great idea with the umbrella on the dish! I wonder if the neighbors would think I have finally crossed over into wacko world if I did that!

  8. 1) Great idea
    2) Defeats the purpose (blocking)
    3) Ingenuity
    4) I have actually seen similar
    5) Agree,,WTF?
    6) Just a small kick is very tempting?????

  9. Euripides, you sound easy to please today.

  10. Scooney, Try it, my neighbors would expect it from me.

  11. WTF? No, there's a good explanation: That's how the environmentalists solve the energy crisis.

  12. Inno, I get it ... feed the neighborhood with an extension cord from this outlet.

  13. My fav is still the sissors in the electrical outlet. That's creativity being the wicked stepmom of suicidal depression.

  14. I may have to combine 2 of these ideas (My sun roof is leaking)

  15. Sig94, it's cool after the hinge gets welded.

  16. The thing is, I can see myself doing some of those things.

  17. Wait...isn't the outlet one technically a closed circuit? By God, it just may work!


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