Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rule 5 Woodsterman Style ~ The JaneDear Girls


  1. Hold your hands up high....I like them Odie.

  2. middle of the road on this one

  3. I like the blonde rockin' out n the banjo. It's not quite Charlie Daniels, but a heck of a lot easier on the eyes.

  4. Euripides, it doesn't matter which was you favorite. I'd still say you had excellent taste.

  5. These gals iz good. I always liked 'em a little out there tho.

    Hope they don't turn out to be like dem dixie chicks.

  6. Come on, Odie. Which one. Blonde or brunette.

  7. That was some good music Odie. Got ya linked.

  8. amanofwonder, Thays funner than thems Dixy Chicklets.

  9. Opie, that's a tough one. They are such a team. I'll dream of two.


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