Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow Removal Help for Bunni and Supi

Well Ladies, I just wanted to pass on this snow
plowing tip on to you. This is, after all, what I use.
I hope this photo of me helps you to ...
Gitter Done !


  1. Randi, because of this blog, I have quite a back order. I can get you one in July.

  2. It needs a bit bigger motor I believe.

  3. Admiral, it's using the motor it was designed for.

  4. I don't see any duct tape there. How do you build one of them things without duct tape?

  5. Same plow as mine, but I've painted it red.

  6. Euripides, it was on there. I removed most of it for the photo. After the photo was snapped the duct tape was reinstalled.

  7. Nickie, I understand ... red for speed.

  8. WHT, on my way. I should arrive in July of 2015.

  9. Can this model be attached to say the front bumper of say a Pinto for commercial use?

  10. Christopher, Of course it can. Just attach me to your front bumper.

  11. I don't think this will help me out here, Odie! But thanks for trying. I hope this old guy doesn't keel over dead from heart failure, he looks on his last legs.

  12. I'm rushing to the US Patent Office NOW, because I don't think he's registered the idea!

  13. Bunni, You can count on this great snow plow being a winner. After all Algore and the Greenies have endorsed its use.

  14. LL, that's me on my way to the Patent Office. I should be there in August, 2016.


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