Thursday, April 8, 2010

Make Fun Of My Pitching Will Ya ...

Message to you from the President regarding
your wishes on health care...


  1. That good for nothing POS, I hate his frigging guts, he should take that finger and shove it somewhere.....he probably does anyway, the nasty perv!

    Happy THurs. Odie, I have to look at kittens now, he started my day off with an arrrrgh, yuck!

  2. Sorry Bunni, Maybe we all need an Obama break.

  3. An Obama break? I second the motion.

  4. Well Nickie, I'll do my best, but News Busted is new tomorrow. I'm sure Jodie will talk about Obama ... Oh well ...

  5. I don't mind. As I indicated over at my blog, I can't get enough of Obama. He's my new hero!

  6. Euripides, I wondered who would be the first to crack...

  7. Do you remember Clinton used to point when he spoke by sticking his thumb in his index finger - sort of a "got your nose" America? We get to see the real Obama here in his "got you screwed" America.

    Don't worry Opus. I'll be back to my curmudgeonly self after my Obama admiration parody kick is done.

  8. Euripides, I think any kind of break would do you some good. I don't know how you do it, between writing your blog and teaching skulls full of mush all day.

  9. Opie, I think we need to talk to him and see if we can help him out. I think he suffers from Stockholm syndrome ... he's been held captive the Democraps too long.

  10. Euripides, Jodie will be coming up around 7:00 this morning. She'll straighten you right up.

  11. Well, at least thats one thing he seems to have mastered with his left hand. Being a south paw, this guy is far left all the way around. Love the fact that he took his Whitesox hat out there with him. He must have expected the 'boo's' so he needed a red herring to divert attention to.

  12. Good call Jake ... blame the boos on a Whitesox hat.


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