Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Skipisms Are Great Things To Share ~ PM


Thanks Skip


  1. 2 and 3 just show all the lies are coming out. 8 is one of the oldest Lefty tricks there are, only now we're on to it.

  2. That's a mighty righteous lineup of memes there, Odie.
    Thank yew. Yer efforts are appreciated.

  3. tony schaffer has as his primary income going on russian TV shows and being the non-russian that basically parrots back every russian narrative. the man it a kremlin sock puppet.

    the WTC was not a steel framed building. it was a tab-in-tube construction. it's not the same thing. the image of the steel girders being worked on is nothing like the actual construction of the WTC.

  4. Lateefah looks like she was stuck in an elevator with "Nads" Nadler

  5. I know Maxine can’t help it that she’s so fugin ugly, but she could stay home more. ET in Dixie

    1. ET, I grew up in her district. It gives me chills.


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