Saturday, March 8, 2025

Babes ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style ~ B

 Other Babe Loving Rule 5 ers:


  1. A couple look familiar. 5 is the knockout; get young women to look like her and a lot more young women will be happy because they'll have a good young man.

    1. edutcher, your favorite is Charlize Theron. She's a very pretty lady.

  2. As I scrolled down this string of incredible beauty, my heart kept skipping a beat until I passed out with a smile on my face and a bulge in my trousers. WOW!!!

    1. John, glad you "enjoyed", but please keep the details to yourself.

  3. Third from the bottom in the black bikini: WHO IS THAT? She's absolutely the spitting image of my wife when I married her...!

  4. xwowx
    who is #8?
    reminds me of the wife, 1st time i saw her in a bikini...kinda helped me decide some things right then!
    it was great back when beautiful women had zero chances of having a dicknballs

  5. What an excellent collection. Thank you for selfless labor sir. ET in Dixie


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