Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Libturd Tuesday Morning Already?


Thanks FBers


  1. IF U.S. legislators had been talking directly with a president of a foreign country, notwithstanding the sitting U.S. president knowledge thereof, but had not given permission from the executive branch, those certain U.S. legislators shall be charged, and tried, for obstruction and 99 other things relating to official U.S. foreign policy.

    In the vernacular of the common people, hanged by the neck until dead.

  2. Well, she is an attractive white, blonde female. The only time CNN would use such in a positive role.

    1. Rick, she says she was looking for a job when she found that one.

  3. Until 2018 I paid medical out of pocket. Then I paid $35 for a Dr office visit (OV). $35 for dental hygienist tooth cleaning. $40 for a tooth extraction + follow up. Dermo OV $70. Eye exam $135. Rx was $8.16 for 90 day script Levothyroxine.

    Today under Medicare, Rx is $1.86. OV is billed at $432, Medicare pays $116. I pay zero.
    Eye exam is $728 and I am potentially on the hook for that amount. Actually, I am responsible for full amount of each.

    My concern is I don't know how much until a bill arrives. I receive 'surprise' billings about every 45 days (pain mgmt or GP) for which I am responsible for full amount.

    I am reading straight from itemized invoice which is labeled Not A Bill. I have no advantage plan because I refuse. My days are numbered known only to the Father.

    1. Rick, sounds like a very familiar story.

    2. Rick, I took the Advantage plan. I pay $5. for OV. Eye exam was Zero month ago, 7 meds last year cost just a little more than $500. due to one med. So far for the the first year I was pleased. I've never seen a bill from either doc or ins. Apparently if I go to ER it'll cost me $45. Oh, and I get a stipend in the drug area. So as to buy aspirin, bandages, etc.

  4. A specialist Dr of mine left a successful practice for research for a big name pharmaceutical. Sure, why not? There was a time that I used a degree in Chem to go into research. Some people idealize doing pure research.

    Except word filtered back that he wasn't doing research. Basically, his roll-a-dex was very useful to his new employer.

  5. A specialist Dr of mine left a successful practice for research for a big name pharmaceutical. Sure, why not? There was a time that I used a degree in Chem to go into research. Some people idealize doing pure research.

    Except word filtered back that he wasn't doing research. Basically, his roll-a-dex was very useful to his new employer.

  6. I just want to say that, after watching the White House meeting with Zelensky, that J.D. Vance is running away the best Vice President in the history of that office. He is a perfect example of the maxim "the title doesn't make you, you make the title". Zelensky learned the hard way that the grown ups are back in charge.

  7. There are a lot of Boomers collecting Social Security that are millionaires. Being a millionaire in 2025 ain't what it used to be.

  8. Claim about listening devices in Oval Office based on fabricated sources | Fact check



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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.