Sunday, March 9, 2025

It's Another Happy Funday Morning


Thanks FBers


  1. Early on, before they cleaned the machines, we used to put Smarties in our cap guns.

  2. I truly believe that I fell in love with Dolly the first time that I ever heard her sing one of her songs. Thank you for posting this tidbit of musical history.

  3. Hey Woodsterman, I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I appreciate the informative and insightful posts you share on your blog. Each one is well-researched and provides such great value! Keep up the amazing work

  4. My mentor has the .410/454 Casul pistol. When shooting the Casul ammo it is one shot. Your hand will hurt too bad for a second shot. The good thing about the Casul if you hit what you shot at you blew it apart. It will also handle 45 colt rounds. They can be quite nasty as well.

    1. Tsquared, I think it's more then I'd ever want, but .........

  5. The 3 guys who survived the Hood did the same way as the Titanic guy.

  6. 1. Wow. Doesn't look like her.
    2. Haha
    3. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I do resemble one of those, unfortunately.
    4. Or if you suggest they ride on the correct side when there is no bike lane.
    5. Having fired a shotgun, I can only imagine the kick it must have.
    6. Goodness...
    7. Wow. I did not know that. Thanks for the history lesson.
    8. Gosh, I loved those growing up.
    9. Hehe. On the plus side. Fried alligator is pretty good!
    10. Awesome!
    Thank you, Odie!
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, I hear they're (8) good in cap pistols too.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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