Saturday, April 1, 2023

Spring Dresses ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style AM


Other Needing Spring Rule 5 ers:


  1. Few things make a woman look more beautiful than a flowing cotton dress. 3, 5, 7, 9, and 10 do not count.

    1. edutcher, I agree. I should have googled spring dresses instead of "Sexy" spring dresses.

  2. Reminds me women's clothing catoloqs

  3. Agree with Edutcher 100%. A spring dress or even a sun dress radiates wholesomeness, a bit of innocence, a fresh clean start on a new season. The oversexed slut outfits don't fit this category. #6 straddles the line; drop the hem to just above the knee and it would be perfect.

    1. Well, if you need someone to run around with a ruler and checking hem lengths, "I'm your man".
      Otherwise, can't go wrong with a song by Kip Moore: Something 'bout a truck.
      Has lines in it about "something bout a girl in red sundress, with an ice cold beer pressed to her lips..."

    2. mer, let us know when you finner it out.

  4. Aha, that time of year again, that brings out sundresses, allows a woman to look sexy without the slut look (I had to continue that thought...) It gives us old men a passing folly to ogle a glimpse of a young ladies charms.


  5. I have nothing against the slut look, especially in private, although I do think it looks better on women who haven't had tons of plastic surgery. A time and a place for everything.


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