Saturday, June 5, 2021

Marilyn ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style


One of my all time favorites


  1. What's interesting is she wasn't all that built, if you think about it. 36-24-36.

    I guess she was just the It Girl of the 50s.

  2. One of the original 'material girls'. She's no Grace Kelly though.

    1. millerized, no she wasn't a Grace Kelly. She wasn't on anyone's pedestal, but she was in many a man's dreams.

  3. Never got the attraction. She could, like most women, look spectacular at times. But more often than not I find her to be “meh”... like the overhyped pop-tarts of recent years.

    1. p2, I have always found here absolutely beautiful and always will.

  4. Say what you want about her. She came out of a childhood of neglect and abuse and turned herself into a world famous icon.

    1. Mikey, you'll never have to convince me of her greatness.

    2. Nor I Odie. She was the "package deal" as far as I am concerned. When I see photos and movies with her from the mid 50's- the early 60'sm I always think to myself, "what the hell happened to America"?.

    3. Jeffery, I miss the simple innocence of that time too.


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