Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Libturd Crap For A Wednesday Morning


Thanks FBers


  1. I was sitting in the dark and cold in the Great Texas Freeze recovering from eye surgery and not able to tolerate anything like recoil thinking that any potential looters or troublemakers trying to take advantage would find out what I can really do with a Ruger 10/22. Being armed is a great comfort at times like that.

    1. Mikey, I too had eye surgery at that time. Mine was laser, so my aim wasn't too great. I didn't lose power though.

  2. A LOT of great ones here. Thanks, Odie.

  3. I always did like Rand.

    And what about Pearl Harbor?

    1. As a transplanted Kentuckian, I don't always like Rand, but I like him a whole lot better than McConnell.

      And the Pearl Harbor thing is just saying we don't blame today's Japanese inhabitants for Pearl Harbor so why should we blame today's American inhabitants for slavery?

    2. edutcher, Rand is cool. And don't blame us for slavery or Pearl Harbor.

    3. CorporalWalsh'sGhost, is there a statute of limitations for the people of Kentucky concerning McConnell?

  4. So I was born in Hurricane Cleo so I am, I think, a hurricane magnet. As a Merchant Mariner and a traveler I have been through a crap load of major storms.

    I was in a 125 ft offshore tug during both Andrew and the no-name/storm of the century, as well as Hugo and others.

    I have always said there was no damn excuse for what happened in Katrina! The difference between community reactions to catastrophic events resides strictly in the quality of the community's inhabitants...period!

    New Orleans, a town I have lived in (in fact right on esplanade between the Marigny and the Quarter three blocks from the river), was decimated by Katrina because the majority of its inhabitants were of low character. Imagine having the distinction of fielding one of the only Police Departments that literally threw up its hands and walked away!

    Juxtapose that with Central Florida. Remember when four hurricanes criss-crossed the area in short span of time? I do, I had taken my offshore Tankerman experience and put it to use at the local fire Department as the Haz Chem/Marine safety Officer.

    I rode out those four storms with my neighbors, beer in hand. The shock jocks came on at night and instead of doing their usual material, they were reading bedtime stories to the children over the airwaves as our community came together.

    But you won't hear this in the MSM, that our shared American culture whenever it is exerted over those cultures which refuse to assimilate into our society produces a far better and safer community for everyone.

    Instead they blame Katrina on Bush, on white supremacy, on systemic racism, and on America itself.

    Fine, you do you, I'll do me. I'll stay in my backward, bible clutching, gun toting little town and you can have your culturally diverse, crime infested metropolis, just remember when the dollar breaks, our the bombs hit, or the winds come, you made your choice.

    1. CorporalWalsh'sGhost, if I remember Hurricane Katrina, the mayor and governor(?) were neglect in not putting the citizens on all of the school buses that were lost because they weren't used to evacuate the people.

  5. True, and I'm pretty sure he hid in the mayoral bunker as well when they needed him most.

    Also getting back to terrible communities, the people of New Orleans destroyed the eighth wonder of the modern world, the New Orleans Superdome. The dome was turned into a shelter and the citizens turned it into a nightmare of rape, assault, robbery and destruction, in the end so much damage had been done they had to destroy it!

    That to me was the biggest shame of all. Instead of pulling together to help their community a whole lot of people there went out of their way to add to their fellow citizens misery!

    1. CorporalWalsh'sGhost, Correct. Look what some people have done to their own cities.

  6. Woodsterman (Odie)
    "CorporalWalsh'sGhost, is there a statute of limitations for the people of Kentucky concerning McConnell?"

    He knows his shelf life is expiring. He got a pass last time because he was running against an extreme Kentucky hating liberal, but now I don't think that matters so much.

    There is a recall effort underway to rid ourselves of him, I think he knows the handwriting is already on the wall.

    1. CorporalWalsh'sGhost, no matter how it's done, good riddance.


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