Saturday, January 2, 2021

Catfish Noodling ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style


One of my new YouTube loves

She's just a cute little Southern Girl


  1. Noodling... ok, I'm down for that.

  2. I bet she also can make some good biscuits!

    Southern Women!!!!!

    1. Worker Bee, I have a lot of internet southern women friends. I always ask them to write me in that sexy southern accent.

  3. Hannah Barron, she's got a LOT of content on youtube, check it out!

  4. What I miss living in the South, a perfect wife, goes out and catches it, fillets it, fries it up with hush puppies and cornbread and calls ya honey too. Cute as hell too!

    1. Cederq, you forgot she had a beer waiting for you when you got home AND you came home early because you knew she was there. Did I miss anything?

  5. There’s a four frame meme about noodling going around. First two frames are pics of a bloody hand missing an index finger, third is an x-ray of the hand, and the fourth is the huge snapping turtle that bit it off. Not everything in those holes is a catfish!

    1. Crotalus, here at Woodsterman we don't endorse noodling, but are instead endorsing the Noodler.

  6. Yeah, she's cute now but living in the south I can tell you that in 10 or so years, she'll be twice the woman she is now and only get bigger.. That's why they are called southern belles. They start as thin as the handle then the minute you marry them, they get as fat as the base and that sweet chime turns into a ringing nightmare...

    1. Chris, is there anything we can do to change your impression of women?


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