Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Impatience . . . .

Thanks Hal


  1. Now THAT'S whutcha call a Fcukin Idiot!

  2. What an idiot indeed. What is a few more seconds? People can be so dense.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  3. lol G-d bles u my friend! hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

  4. Nice price tag for impatience. The $$$ for that 2-3 seconds? Not worth it. I can imagine the conversation between the driver and his boss.
    "Duyaaaaaaaa......gee I thought it would clear."

  5. Mac, Yeah, but ain't that a great effing idiot.

  6. Sandee, he also forgot how tall his cargo was.

  7. WHT, Thank You Ma Lady! Best to you this bright sunny morning you made brighter.


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