Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Libtardish Tuesday

Thanks Facebook Buds


  1. Butt, butt, butt - Obama said if we didn't have pesky little rules about him running again he would have beat Trump. I don't think so.

    24 days!

  2. I'll be so happy when the Obama's leave the white house. It's been a hard 8 years. Very hard at times. It's not over either. He's done all of his community organizing and it's running on high. Now there are disturbances at the malls. You know he's behind this unrest. I'm so sick of this new crop of progressives or liberals or whatever they are calling themselves.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. All good, but the first is priceless.

  4. But pussies are useful, the usurper not so much.

  5. I was calling Barack "Old Buck". Now it's "The Pussy"?

    That first meme likely happened just as it is portrayed.

  6. Adrienne, I think everyone is about "Obamaed" out.

  7. LL, that first one is a true story. Was that "B" supposed to be an "F"?

  8. Sandee, all we can do is hope that White House Asshat won't cause any more trouble before he's gone. Oh, and hope they don't run an Oprah and Mooshell show for an effing third time.

  9. Barack has so many nicknames. "The Rump Rider" would go better below Teddy's nickname, but "The Pussy" works just fine. No need to have another First Woman President, since we've already had one with a vagina.

  10. I will so glad when they are gone.
    Looking forward to better days, when men are men, and women are women... not women trying to be men...

  11. Grunt, seems like you've been watching the same President as I have.

  12. They certainly are whiners!!!


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