Monday, January 26, 2015

I'm Not Sure Why These Things Aren't Everywhere (4)

Device that charges your phone from hot or cold drinks.
 Or this solar powered charger.
 Water fountains with built-in water bottle filling station.
 Subways where you can pay by recycling.
 Device to lift the Pringles up.


  1. That would be neat to charge my phone while drinking coffee. :-)

  2. Ummmm - I don't get the Pringles one. Help me out...

    1. Adrienne, some people haven't figured out that you just turn the can over.

    2. Okay - I get it now. That little stick goes down to the bottom of the can and pulls the stack of chips up and you can hook it over the edge.

      WTHell???? ARE PEOPLE REALLY THAT STUPID??? Silly question...

  3. Love all of them but the Pringles one. Who needs that? Seriously.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  4. Like that water fountain one, but you could fill your bottle from the old ones! Just saying!

    1. Ron, you mean I don't have to submerge it in the toilet any longer?

  5. Some pretty nifty ideas, except for the Pringles gadget.


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