Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday Odds and Ends ~OR~ Stuff

And My Favorite is:


  1. 6 months! A man's word is his bond. Any time-frame after it was declared, it technically 'nagging.'

  2. It's like living in the Twilight Zone. Only it's for real we have pathetic leaders in Obama and Kerry!


  3. "I'm getting around to it" should be all that a man needs to say when confronted with a task that needs doing. And she only needs to say it once. We know that it is on the list and yes, we will get around to doing it.

  4. We had a guy in our editorial page today that wants no republicans at all. He thinks the state of California is running far better with democrats in control. He writes often and I always want to tell him that he's drinking way too much Kool-Aid. He's a lunatic too.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. Samuel, they sure look good on those bikes don't they.

  6. Sandee, we who live in California know the whack-jobs are in control. Let's start with the drought that hits every twenty years and there's been no new dams for 50 years. Our water storage is set up for 20 million people in a state that has 35 million (legal) residents.

  7. That last one is the Eleventh Commandment.

  8. Is Obama riding a girls bike? Looks like one to me!

  9. edutcher, I knew it had to be one of the 57.

  10. Ron, well he is a metrosexual after all.


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