Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bits and Pieces For a Thursday

And if you like your testicles, 
you can keep your  testicles.  

*** Note to Sheeple: Read above!


  1. Last night on Fox, an insurance expert said that 1/3 of the people who thought that they'd signed up for ObamaCare insurance were never registered by the companies as such because the "back end" of the website was only partially constructed.

    You wonder how much more screwed up it can get.

    Time for a repeal

  2. Hey Woodman.

    No good will come out of any programs from any government. It's all about corporate control and what I call Robin Hood reversed. The rich stealing from the poor.

    Take care old boy,

  3. LL, mucho, mucho ... it's the government, right.

  4. Stranger, you and I see it a bit differently, but welcome aboard.

  5. It's those cursed insurance company sharks that are to blame for this again...I think I see one about to eat that Lib chick! Heee Heee...

  6. Scotty, I call her an uninformed sheeple.

  7. That last pic is the best. It frustrates me that people brag that they are not "into" politics. Fools.

  8. Yep, it's the government stealing from those that planned their lives out and worked hard to secure their retirement, to give to those that plan nothing, too lazy to work, and scream about corporate America stealing from them. Bless their worthless hearts.

    Have a terrific day Odie. ☺

  9. Opie, It's there life, but wouldn't be nice if they were informed before voting.

  10. Sandee, welcome to the communist Utopia.

  11. I hear the Choom Family has yet to sign up.

    Wonder why?

    LL said...

    Last night on Fox, an insurance expert said that 1/3 of the people who thought that they'd signed up for ObamaCare insurance were never registered by the companies as such because the "back end" of the website was only partially constructed.

    Since the payment piece (part of the 40% that has yet to be built) is non-existent, I'm guessing it's more than a third.

    PS Throw in the fact data integrity's a joke and security isn't even a bad joke and a lot of people are going to have a rude awakening in the ER when they get treated for those New Year's fender benders.

  12. Like that top one. The ultimate birth control device is a sharp pair of surgical sissors.

  13. The 4th pic with the meaning of politics got me laughing.

    I agree with Opus about the last pic. It annoys me how apathetic people are with politics, as if they think politics and government have nothing to do with their life.

  14. Picture 3 is accurate with the gang of shame in Picture 2.

  15. Teresa, laughing is what we try to do here.

  16. Supi, Peggy, Peggy, is my healthcare ready?

  17. I read the Poly-ticks one somewhere before & it was attributed to Robin Williams. Whether he was the originator or just repeating it I don't know.Regardless of who said it it's a great quote.
    Love the looks on those dogs faces.

  18. Tony, well that just proves I'll steal anything.


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