Monday, December 23, 2013

A Man's Christmas Greeting to All

No boy in footy pajamas Christmas Wish here!

Merry Christmas !


  1. What better way to say Merry Christmas?

  2. Chuck rules the roost! Manning up the nation.

  3. perfect Woodsy!! .Warmest holiday wishes to you and yours hun!...xxoxoxooo

  4. Pretty awesome! I taught him that, you know...

  5. Odie,
    We're crazy busy here. A good kind of busy.

    So, I want to take this brief break in all the action here to wish you and the missus the merriest of Christmases.

    And may 2014 be a prosperous year for you.

  6. Now top that one. Bwahahahahahaha.

    Have a fabulous day Odie and may you and yours have a very merry Christmas. ☺

  7. What a great video! I'm going to send this to my brother. He'll love it.

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Merry Christmas Odie and family

  9. lol...
    It could happen! And Only in Human Creation. However Surreal or imagined...

    Odie, Have a blessed Merry Christmas and wonderful Happy New Year, dear Man...
    Thanks for showing us all good in Human Nature, Love and Grace...
    The MIghty Lord has many wondrous ways to send His angels in our lives... To let us learn goodness from their words... To correct our evils and cure our ills... Blessed we are to know you folks in our lives...

    Merry Christmas... :-)

  10. WHT, Thank you and the best to you this season.

  11. Sandee, I can't top it, but ask Proof to top it. He taught Chuck all he knows. Merry Christmas.

  12. Old NFO, It sure does. Did you know Proof taught him that?

  13. Rick, Merry Christmas back at the Street Clan.

  14. James, Merry Christmas and thank you for your continued visits.

  15. Merry Christmas from the Philippines, Woodsterman!!!!! ;o)

  16. Abelle, Merry Christmas from the US of A. :D


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