Monday, October 7, 2013

Expert Lemon Picker

Sally Mullihan of Coral Springs, Florida
Decided to take one of the jobs that most 
Americans are not willing to do.
Sally applied for a job in a Florida lemon grove and seemed to be far too qualified for the job.
She had a liberal arts degree from the University of Michigan and had worked as a social worker and a school teacher.
The foreman frowned and said, "I have to ask you, have you had any actual experience in picking lemons?"
"Well, as a matter of fact, I have," she said:
"I've been divorced three times, owned 2 Chryslers and I voted for Obama."


  1. Yeah - I'm with Opus. Where's the lemonade??

  2. She's over qualified. Bwahahahahahahahaha.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  3. Hint: Democratic Party Lemonade is really just urine with a slice of lemon floating in it.

  4. I seem to be able to pick a few myself...I left an ex-wife in FL however...Live and learn...Some never do.

  5. Scotty, you messed that up. You should of had her leave Florida.

  6. I did not see that coming, but I should have.

  7. ha he is much worse than a lemon though dude...:-)oish!!!!

  8. If she's a social worker and a school teacher, I'll bet she voted for more lemons than 1.

  9. Poodle, you have to think where you are.

  10. WHT, I think a lemon is a great word for him.

  11. I know that was a tough read, but I knew you would understand the meaning of what I comprehend.

  12. Ron, I'm guessing most of the time with you.

  13. I've picked a few lemons in my life, but not Obama. Nevah!

  14. I've picked a few lemons in my life, but not Obama. Nevah!


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