Saturday, March 2, 2013

Clean Car ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Other Rule 5 ers:


  1. Good car hygiene brings its own rewards.

  2. Nothing like a good car wash. Bwahahahahahahah.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  3. Oh, to be 16, have a cool car, warm weather, and a couple of nice girlfriends who want to wash it.

  4. Wonder if those gals need any help? I know how to use a hose!!!

  5. Hi Odie, I bet you have the cleanest car in your state!

    How you been? I've been very busy and tired with stuff, not online as much as I'd like. Thank you for updating my donating link at the top of your blog. I'm glad Spidey finally wrote his post. Thanks for your nice comment over at Opus' place, too. I return the sentiment. Have a fun weekend. Huggs, Bunni

  6. Edutcher, it's only right they wash it if they're with the cool dude on campus.

  7. Ron, I've been helping all day. Come on in the water's fine.


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