Monday, February 4, 2013

Spot the 'Invisible' Animals

 No 1:  Giraffe.
 No 2:  A wolf peering out from trees.
 No 3:  Can you spot the caiman?

No 4: Tricky one this!   Can you find the owl!
No 5: Don't know what a pika is but it’s hiding in here somewhere!

Thanks David !

PS ... Not saying more about it ... My 49ers lost.


  1. I found the owl immediately. Maybe because I like the look of owls?

  2. I found the giraffe and the owl right away. I only found the wolf after you named it.

    I can't find the others! Way cool Odie! :-)

  3. AOW, Some are easy, and some take a lot of patience.

  4. Jaclie, I found myself losing that wolf again ... oh, there he is.

  5. I never found the wolf. Great pics.

    My team lost, too. But 90% through the game, my youngest declared himself for the other team. So at least somebody won.

  6. I found them all, but I love this kind of stuff. Love it.

    Sorry about the niners.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  7. Pika is like a short eared rabbit maybe.

    So sorry about the Niners. They should have mopped the floor with the Ray Lewis's.

  8. Opie, I've found the wolf several times ... because I keep losing him.

  9. Sandee, well good because there's more coming.

  10. Admiral, you and I think alike. I've always had a very deep dislike for Ray Lewis.

  11. Missed the wolf, but nailed the others. My hunting eye is not what it use to be.

  12. For those who remember the days before computers, there's also an elite hiding in that last picture...

  13. Ron, I had to find the wolf a couple of times. When I preposted I forgot where he was after.

  14. Velcro, I guess I'm a little slow ... HUH?

  15. Since I don't know what a caiman looks like, I passed on that, but I found the others.

    PS Condolences.

  16. Edutcher. They're like an alligator. Now look again.

  17. These were cute.

    Too bad about the 49 er's, I really thought they were going to win it, after that great comeback.
    Oh well, with the way this year is going, it's typical that there is just more bad news.

  18. It was a stretch, Odie... Pika (actually pica) and elite were two main sizes of font on a typewriter back in the day... I think pica corresponded to 12 point font and elite 10 point.

    Ok I'll go back in my hole now.

  19. These were neato Odie. I really enjoyed playing spot the animal. Have a great week.

  20. Bunni, They were a let down. They weren't as focused as they should of been.

  21. Velcro, it's coming back to me now. We thank you for the lesson.

  22. Teresa, There will be more hide the critters in future posts.

  23. These are interesting, but not like a good track in the wild. I will go back to my hills thx Odie.

  24. Now i can.

    That would give you religion in a hurry.

  25. Got em all. Pika is a little furry beastie that looks like a chinchilla, and runs like hell!

  26. BTW I was a turncoat - I wanted the Ravens to win. Anything to spit on Pelosi's turf! And anyway, they're getting a new stadium, they don't also need to be Super Bowl champs. It's not good for their egos!


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