Sunday, February 17, 2013

"Sign" of the times?

If you need a fire arm, you could do worse than shopping here.
 PINETOP, Ariz. -- A gun shop owner in eastern Arizona is making headlines with a politically-charged sign he decided to hang outside of his business. Cope Reynolds owns the Southwest Shooting Authority in Pinetop, and just days after President Barack Obama was reelected he decided that he would no longer allow Obama supporters in his store. Reynolds proceeded to put up a sign outside his business that told Obama fans that they're not welcome in his store because, "you have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm." Word of Reynolds' sign quickly spread across the country, with critics suggesting that Reynolds' motives were racially based. Reynolds insists he's not racist, explaining that he's just concerned about Obama's policies. "It wouldn't make a difference if he was black, white, brown, man, woman, homosexual, it wouldn't make any difference," said Reynolds. "It's the manner in which this country is being run that disturbs us." There's one thing about Reynolds' anti-Obama sign that can't be disputed: it's good for business. "We're getting people ordering guns from New York and Nevada and Idaho because of this sign," said Reynolds. "For every one I might lose I'm probably picking up 10." And even if his sign were hurting his business, Reynolds says he'd still speak his mind. "It's not about money. It's about freedom, it's about America , my kids, and what they're going to inherit," he proclaimed. Reynolds plans to keep the sign up in his store for the next four years.

Thanks Dan !


  1. "Its not about money. Its about freedom!" Most truthful sign ever...

  2. Randy, Save the planet, disarm Obama voters.

  3. Spot on if you ask me. Liberals always take things way too far and it usually involves removing our freedoms. That way they can be in charge forever. The moral fabric of this country is sliding down the toilet rapidly.

    Have a terrific day Odie. ☺

  4. Odie,
    Off topic....But if you haven't yet seen THIS, you must!

  5. I bet he has lots of support too. I wonder if he does business online?

  6. Good for him.

    Tell me we aren't headed for another civil war.

  7. Sandee, It's time to keep the Libs guessing.

  8. AOW, I've been there and look at my "Bunni" sidebar.

  9. Admiral, It might be worth checking out.

  10. RR, God bless him for putting his money where his mouth is.

  11. I've seen this sign before. This guy puts his money where his mouth is. Stand up for what you believe or step aside and shut up!

  12. Opie, I wish we in California could give him our business easier.

  13. There are two nations embedded with the same territorial boundaries.

    One is America.

    One is Amerika.

  14. LL, That last one is another name for Obamaville.

  15. People who have voted for Obama are not welcome in my house. I also avoid these idiots at the VFW. I cannot believe how many of my veteran friends voted for Obama!

  16. Larue Firearms will not be selling firearms to State and local governments that could not also be sold to the residents of that State. With Olympic Arms refusing to sell anything at all to any government agency in New York, I think we have the makings of a large-scale boycott.

  17. Scott, that's a new one. Boycott government.


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