Sunday, February 10, 2013

Spot the 'Invisible' Animals IV

 No 14:  a common snipe in the shoreline
 No 15: a night hawk
 No 16: a coyote at the edge of the bush
No 17: a blue dacnis

Thanks David!


  1. I love woodland animals - especially when they are served in good gravy.

  2. I couldn't find the snipe when they took me "snipe hunting" as a kid, and I don't see one now...

  3. That snipe is nearly impossible to see!

  4. I CAN'T FIND THE SNIPE!!! Arrrrrgh...

  5. I don't see the snipe either.

    As for gravy, I am sure that is a politically incorrect type of food. Just ask the Obamas.

  6. LL, Revenge and snipe are best served cold ... unless you love your gravy.

  7. Race, I'll bet you think this is like your snipe hunting trip. I thought about posting one without an animal, but he's really there. It took me three separate views to find him myself.

  8. AOW, but you did find him thus proving this isn't a hoax.

  9. I didn't see the snipe either! Love when you post these Odie :)

  10. Adrienne, he's there, very difficult, but there.

  11. Opie, he's there. Maybe tomorrow I'll repost him and the other hard one and circle the animals ... maybe.

    Gravy and liberal quirk? Don't let LL hear that.

  12. 2T2, he's there. When snipe hunting one must sneak up on them and peer through the bushes. Try looking through a bush on your keyboard.

  13. That first one was the toughest to find. I just love these.

    Have a fantastic Silly Sunday. :)

  14. Hardy Har Har...I didn't go looking for a snipe. I'm a southern girl and no better.

    I did see the others though. I love these!

    We are going to see our new solid black German Shepherd puppy this afternoon. I can't wait. I have always wanted a solid black one!

    Happy Sunday!

  15. Sandee, I just ran out. I'd better find more, huh.

  16. Jackie, not a trick, there's really a snipe in that photo.

    Enjoy your new dog.

  17. Darn, the Snipe got me too, first one to stump me. I did eventually find it after looking at the other pictures and going back.

  18. They wer quite challenging but then i looked to the left and saw a lady hanging from a phallic trunk LMAO

    Have a brilliant week :-)

  19. Christopher, I post these so we'll all use our minds ... There's no crying in baseball.

  20. Madhat, that's what I had to do too ... three times.

  21. Edutcher, I know, but my laziness made me do it without checking ... Still haven't.

  22. Steve, that sidebar can be quite entertaining. Next time scroll all the way down.

  23. EDUTCHER ... the Blue Dacnis does exist, I just googled it.

  24. Aha! An iPad makes these easy to find. Yes, that is cheating!


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.