Monday, February 11, 2013

Snipe Hunting in Obamaville

OK boys and girls, some of you gave up on the
Snipe Hunt yesterday. So, here he is in all of his
glory before LL drowns him in gravy.

As an added bonus we have a song from YouTube.



  1. Oh my goodness Odie...where do you come up with this stuff? I love it!

    Have a great day! :-)

  2. I think I see it now. Thanks, Odie.

  3. The problem in finding the snipe is (probably) most of us were looking for a whole snipe. All that dark stuff distracted us from seeing just the head.

    But...........the good Lord knows how important this sh*t is (and so do I), so I kept at it until I found the little critter. It was my triumphant moment for the day. heh

    P.S I have no life...

  4. Opie, would you like to borrow my glasses?

  5. Adrienne, do I detect a little sarcasm in your writings? Of course this is important, or I wouldn't post it. Oh, the snipe's breast is also visible.

  6. The video is spot on. Wasting away is exactly what's happening.

    I love the stuff you steal.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. :)

  7. Sarcastic? Moi?? Never! I take snipe hunting very seriously or I wouldn't have devoted so much time to the endeavor.

    P.S. I still have no life.

  8. Sandee, at least you appreciate me ... thank you.

  9. Adrienne, I'm glad you are aware of the importance of snipe hunting. Time spent here is very important to ones well being and never a waste of time.

  10. Next time, we get one with a jackalope.

  11. Edutcher, I'll get my camera ready. They migrate across my front yard every year.

  12. Didn't get by yesterday, but would have missed the snipe! Obamaville is a great tune---always liked it and even more now.

  13. I can't believe I missed a breast, Snipe or not!

  14. Randy, Is it age or just sloppy sniping?

  15. In my youth, I took girls snipe hunting in the evening hours. However, gravy had nothing to do with it.


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