Friday, February 15, 2013

Plumber of the Year Awards ~ Plumber's Union Edition II

 The oak seat is a nice touch, though.
And the reason for the door is ....
This guy must have arms like an orangutan.
   Close Quarters
Very Classy. (The Throne?)

Thanks David !


  1. I've been in public restrooms similar to that third graphic. I'm not kidding!

    If I were in a big rush to get to the porcelain god, I'd be in a world of hurt if I had to climb the stairs to that throne!

  2. You should include a photo of those heads in submarines. But maybe the new ones are more user friendly?

  3. AOW - me, too. Or the one where when you try to close the door you get squished between the door, the toilet, and the wall.

  4. The last one made me laugh out loud. Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee. Just saying.

    Have a fantastic day Odie. ☺

  5. Here is an epic fail...My wife installed a bathromm herself once. She was great. Her ex entered the scene at the time however,(in freezing cold)and hooked up the water to the commode...HOT WATER. The tank exploded!

  6. The classy one is just that.

    I see Madame has provided for separate accommodations for Hubbo.

  7. That top one reminds me of an old outhouse seat. While in the 5th grade, the school had a six-seater--3 for girls and 3 for boys. Stinky, but got the job done.

  8. Great laugh. Thanks for brightening my day Odie.

  9. Sandee, Those are the rules. Swallow your coffee before coming here.

  10. Edutcher, nothing but the best for El Throne.

  11. Opie, That's what I get paid for. I'm glad you enjoyed.

  12. I recognize that first one. Spent my 7th grade year in Turkey (69-70) and all except the most modern - at the time - places had those old 2-step squat. When finished, there was no paper to do the paperwork with. You had to use a little faucet, usually with no soap.


  13. Velcro, I would like to thank you for that most horrific vision I now have in my mind.

  14. Some real genuine plumbers medicine hat work going on here for sure! Thanks again for the great collection of pictures.

  15. Richard, we do our best for yous guys.

  16. Amela, try to google funny plumbing photos.


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