Thursday, October 11, 2012

WalMart Called Again . . . Your Photos Are Ready

Thanks David !


  1. Ugh...Every damn morning and I keep coming back. Heh.

  2. Wal Mart Families. How much worse can it get?

    I suspect that we'll need to stay tuned.

  3. LL, the funniest thing I find about this Walmart stuff is it's all true. I was in one, During my R & R trip, across the street from where I was staying. All the photos I have been posting came to life ... including the one of me.

  4. Admiral, You pays your money and you takes your chances.

  5. What Randy said. It's exactly what I was thinking. Oh and we don't go to Wal*Mart. Ever. Too weird here.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. Sandee, I don't mind going there. I fit right in.

  7. OH. MY. GOSH. Those bellies. Ugh!

    However, in the interest of providing honesty I will admit to actually having some glasses that looked like the ones the little girl is wearing. Thing is - that was at least 45 years ago.

    We have a WalMart spitting distance from our house. Thankfully, most of peeps look fairly, kinda, sorta normal. I will say that if you are going to see weird people in North Idaho, you'll always find them at WalMart.

    That being said, I almost have to take Valium before going there. The lighting makes my vision go all wonky and gives me a tremendous headache.

  8. OK, the pregnant girl is going to shoot the guy because it was his idea and the 2 older girls next to Adam have that, "Oh, God, let me die now before my friends see this", look so you know they have more sense than dad, but the rest...

    Odie, you need a new hobby.


  9. Okay- the fat nudie people with a sword gave me some sleepless nights with scary dreams. I finally get one, ONE, night's sleep and ya do this.

  10. Adrienne, to the best of my knowledge there are four Walmarts in Reno. You can definitely tell what part of town you're in by the people in Walmart.

  11. Who would trust that guy with the fig leaf with their kids, or even his own. As for the gun with the gun---been there done that!

  12. You really have a gift, Odie... I'm not sure what it is though...

  13. Mrs Bannon is not pregnant, but that is giving me a great idea...I mean the portrait, not getting her pregnant...or wait, maybe both!!

  14. Ron, At least his leaves are calm. Creepy huh?

  15. Velcro, you know more than you're willing to admit.

  16. That last one scares me, and I'm fearless!

  17. Mr., you're pretty good. They all scare me.


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