Thursday, October 18, 2012

New Grampa Woodsterman

Meet Dresden Woodsterman. He was born just about 
30 minutes ago. He came in at 5 pounds 12 ounces and
and is a very healthy boy. His mother Kat, we were so
concerned about, is doing great. She gave birth to a 
little girl we lost after just two weeks about three years 
ago. At that same time we almost lost Kat. 

This has been quite an emotional roller coaster to
say the least. I'm on batteries  and hospital wifi. So,
I'm shutting down for now. Much love from Woodsterman.



  1. Congrats Odie, being a grandpa has been my greatest joy in life...So far!

  2. Odie,

    Spoil Dresden rotten. That is the job of a grandparent!

  3. Congrats, glad everything turned out so well.

  4. Randy, I hope to make him my little woodworker.

  5. AOW, that's my plan. Grandma just finished his first baby quilt while we're in the waiting room.

  6. You are really blessed buddy. Someone to give you joy for many years has come into your life. Congrads Grampa!

  7. congrats to you my friend. the rat

  8. He is SO SO SWEET! Smoochies for Dresden!

  9. Congratulations
    Where are the cigars?

  10. He is adorable! Many congrats to your family!

  11. Opie, I'm sure he'll love smoochies from pretty ladies, thank you.

  12. Congrats!!!

    A true blessing was given.

  13. A fine looking young fellow. Glad everyone is doing fine. Odie, where are his sunglasses like grampa's

  14. Congratulations Woodsterman. He's handsome just like his grandpa.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  15. Scooney, There right here. I'm hanging on to them for safe keeping.

  16. Sandee, thank you. You show extremely good taste.

  17. Congratulations man. Grand kids are awesome..

  18. Bushwack, I thank you sir. He's my next little woodworker in training.

  19. God's blessings on your family. So glad everything is well.

  20. Congratulations! Hopefully a future member of the vast right wing conspiracy!

  21. I've been so busy I missed this post. I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought was, "Whoa, what's going on with Odie's grandbaby and rushed in here to check.

    He's gorgeous!!!

    Glad Kat is doing well, too.

    He'll be doing woodworking with you in no time...

  22. Race, I'll have to work very hard on that.

  23. Adrienne, I knew you'd catch up. My dream is he'll be a woodworker. His mother does a little scroll work in my shop sometimes, but his father is more of a writer than a woodworker.

  24. I finally got to your blog (life has been getting in the way of me and my laptop lately). I didn't know about your little grand daughter and her mom's problems. I am so sorry to hear about that. But I am happy to hear everyone is doing well this time. Dresden is beautiful. God Bless him and the entire family.

  25. Lady, I thank you. We might all be going home today.

  26. What a beautiful baby! Congratulations! how exciting :D

  27. Have no clue why I just found your e-mail about this and of course you know I am ticked about your new born Grandson, but felt like saying it publicly.
    And @ Dresden You don't know it yet but you area lucky lucky little man!


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