Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wally World Called . . . Your Photos Are Ready

Thank David !

We have a family "thing" going on at the
moment. Posts and blog visits could be a
bit sporadic at times for a week. 

Hint: a visit from the stork could be on
the horizon. It's not a simple affair and
I have reservations about how much
information I'll put out there. Two of 
you know of my fears, and I can keep
you posted. This color ought to tell you
one thing though.


  1. You let your wife wear that Mrs. Clause outfit again? Best wishes on your upcoming "simple affair". All will be well in the end Odie.

  2. Randy, Not quite simple, but we'll be following my Son and Daughter in Law to Stanford this morning. We will be there for moral support when our first Grandson is born. You see, nothing ever comes easy for our Daughter in Law.

  3. Odie, may the bundle of joy come at a good time.

    Looks like Mrs. garter-belt is ready to make another one.

  4. Opie, You know the story ... wish us luck.

  5. Wishing you and your family luck!

  6. Odie, I don't quite know what's going on, but I wish all the best for your family.

  7. These Wallyworld people will vote for Obummer too.

    I hope the arrival of your grandson goes well.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  8. Supi, long time no see. Thank you ma'am.

  9. Brooke, I'll fill everyone in later. Thanks for the well wishes.

  10. Sandee, I hope so too. I'll fill everyone in later as to my secretiveness.

  11. OK, I can see #1, Dad thinks mom is hot as Mrs Claus.

    But the other two?

    If ObamaTax can get professional help to those two within an hour, it just might be worth it.

    PS All the best to your son and his family.


  12. Adrienne, thank you ma'am. This fleabag hotel has wifi. Cool. Off to the hospital shortly. The little guy doesn't get to come out natures way.

  13. Edutcher, thank you sir. I'll tell them you all wish the best.

  14. Odie, you're never too old to start another family. Light a cigar, pour a tumbler of Beefeaters and relax while your new child is born.

  15. I hope all goes well with the stork's visit. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers Odie.

  16. LL, thank you sir, but that's Grandchild.

  17. Teresa, thank you, all was postponed a bit.

  18. AW! Congrats are in order, I take it?


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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