Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Brooke, WalMart Called . . . Your Photos Are Ready

 Brooke's Rule 5 Request Above.

Thanks David !


  1. I worry about Brooke a lot now...

  2. Dear God! Where is the eye bleach??

    I hate those bare belly pregnant pics that are so popular now. They're immodest, tasteless, and ugly (IMO)

  3. Adrienne, I have to agree. It's like voting for Obama because he's black. One feels good about it and themselves.

  4. I'm pretty sure this isn't what Brooke had in mind. In fact I'm 100% positive this isn't what she had in mind.

    Have a terrific day. I'm going to go wash my eyes out now. :)

  5. You just never know what goes on behind closed doors do you? ;-)

  6. Gah! Wal-Mart has a return policy, right? I think those photos are defective!

  7. Brooke, is that really all you have to say?

  8. No, not even Wally World...

    2 questions, though...

    What's with the tire in the pregnant girl's pic and is the last one supposed to be some medieval wedding night re-enactment?

  9. Edutcher, I think they're saying they both have a spare tire.

  10. I didn't want to look long enough to critique them.

  11. Opie, I "heard" you too. Some just have to learn the hard way.

  12. Brooke, Either you or I aren't getting the whole picture.

  13. That guy with the beard reminds me of my goofy cousin at that age. He looks a little better today.


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