Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

 And for the Ladies . . .
Other Rule 5 ers:


  1. At least you stuck one in there for the ladies!

  2. All including the last could come under the heading "trick" or treat.

  3. Admiral, I'm always trying to win points.

  4. Thanks for thinking of us gals. We appreciate it. I'll also never look at a pizza box the same again. Bwahahahahahaha.

    Have a terrific day, and happy Halloween to you too. :)

  5. I'm trying to picture what happens to the guy when he tries to sit down in a chair.

  6. I could make some comments about pepperoni and sausage... but I won't.

    Happy Halloween!

  7. Opie, if it's leather is cold. If you mean the front ... watch out for paper cuts.

  8. Cube, Happy Halloween and watch out how you order your next pizza.

  9. The Blonde has a costume idea she always wants to try out.

    I wear a pair on camo trousers and a net t-shirt; she wears a camo shirt and fishnet hose.

    We go as (are you ready?) the Upper GI and the Lower GI.

    (hey, she's a nurse)

    Nothing like All Hallows to bring out the sorceress in a lot of women. Especially the 4th one.

    She wears that under her street clothes and you really have Trick or Treat.

  10. Edutcher, where are you going to your Halloween party? I'd love to meet you there.

  11. USA: "Stuck one in there for the ladies!"


    Wait... I didn't order sausage on my pizza! Is it pork or Italian?

    Heh. Heheheheh.

  12. Brooke, my guess is it's Italian ... enjoy.

  13. Not bad! (except for the Italian sausage)

    Linked here-


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