Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New Collection of Bumper Stickers ~ Debate Edition

Thanks Dan !


  1. I need to know where to buy them...

  2. LL, just steal em while you're here. You're in charge of enlarging them though.

  3. Those are all good ones.

    I'm going to go put my Romney/Ryan sticker on the car today.

    Yesterday a teen ripped out my Romney yard sign. My kids yelled at him and put it back up.

    It's getting crazy!

  4. It's getting crazy indeed. Love all the bumper stickers. Right on the money.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  5. Brooke, those "freedom of speech" wackos are out there. You be careful.

  6. Oh, man, every one a winner.

    You outdid yourself, sir.

  7. The Romney signs are regularly defaced or torn down where I live, and I'm in the center of a fairly conservative city. It is crazy out there.

  8. Euripides, They're exercising their free speech while you're not aloud to.

  9. I always avoided Detroit on my travels...Now I know why.

  10. Like that slam on Michelle. Wonder what she thought about last night! Will she still be proud of America when "O" loses in November.


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