Monday, October 8, 2012

Wal-Mart Called . . . Your Photos Are Ready

Thanks David !


  1. Ye, gods!

    That first one is a poster for a horror movie -- The Blobs.

  2. I'm going to go bleach out my eyes now Odie. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  3. Wal-Martians have no shame! But they're entertaining!

  4. You wonder if people are just having fun or if they are that F#%ked up? Yeah, I know they're serious, but -- damn.

    It really puts a spin on one vote per person.

  5. Sandee, do one for me too please. I had to post these.

  6. Mr. We have to laugh or life is boring.

  7. LL, there's a Walmart across the street from where I'm staying. Trust me, these photos are tame.

  8. No wonder kids grow up hating their parents. Permanent damage being inflicted here...(: or not.

  9. I gotta admit, after seeing those pictures the notion of a huge asteroid screaming towards the Earth at 60,000 mph is not such a bad idea.

  10. The black couple has a cool dude or something...

  11. The portrait of the bare-chested family is really bizarre. Imagine them including it in the yearly Christmas card sent out to their friends and family. Yikes! Bet they thought it was "cool" at the time.

  12. ..jeeee-zus! Where'd you get this You take a part-time job in their photo department, Odie?

  13. OK, I can see the mom and daughter - there was a time in this country when millions of people thought that sort of thing was so cool.

    And I can see the black couple - that's more Sears than Wally World, but I've seen stuff like that before.

    It's the OTHER ones.

    Odie, if you're trying to motivate us to vote for normalcy by showing us how abnormal things have gotten in the last 4 years, you have succeeded beyond your wildest dreams.

  14. You can tell those two at the top enjoy a good meal. Just meat and potatoes!!!!

  15. Lady, what's wrong with it ? We sent one just like it.

  16. Edutcher, huh? Oh yeah vote ... NOvember!

  17. @War Planner, you can get a daily fix here


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