Thursday, June 14, 2012

Automation Gone Bad ?


  1. Priceless look on that doggies face!

  2. LOL!!!

    That bottle of wine and I might have to have a conversation before I could deal with that!

  3. Randy, he did the right thing ... inferior floor cleaner.

  4. Brooke, it would take a couple of bottles for me.

  5. Opie, only because you're not cleaning it up.

  6. Sorta like "spreading the wealth around", but messier.

  7. Another hi-tech manure spreader! Recall the first time I used one some many years ago Odie. I must have been around 12 on the farm and my grand father had loaded the manure spreader with fresh cow $hit and asked if I wanted to drive the tractor to the oat field and spread the mess. He showed me the level to trip when I got there. So there I was speeding across the field (full speed) and hit the level----well that $hit went up in the air and covered me---guess he forgot to tell me to slow down or just wanted a good laugh when I got back to the barn. I'll never know!

  8. LMAO,,,This is another reason I stay "old school". The floors are cleaned manually and guess what? I take the time to train the dogs!

  9. Bwahahahahahaha. I so stole that and it will post on Monday. I also told everyone that I stole it from you.

    That dog was perfect. Perfect.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  10. Christopher, that's not fun. Come on and give us a funny dog poop story.

  11. Sandee, I thank you and the dog thanks you too.


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