Saturday, May 5, 2012

Two Prostitutes ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Two prostitutes were riding around town with 
a sign on top of their car which said:
Two Prostitutes $50.00

A policeman, seeing the sign, stopped them and 
told them they'd either have to remove the sign 
or go to jail.

Just at that time, another car passed with a sign 
saying 'JESUS SAVES'

One of the girls asked the officer, 'How come 
you don't stop them?'

'Well, that's a little different,' the officer smiled, 
'Their sign pertains to religion.'

The following day the same police officer noticed 
the same two hookers driving around with a new 
sign on their car.

He figured he had an easy arrest until he 
read their new sign...

Two Fallen Angels

Seeking Peter -- $50

Thanks David !


  1. Fallen angels seeking Peter....Only Woodsterman style. Heh.

  2. Very funny joke Woodie! Those girls should be working Madison Ave.

  3. Randy, wood there be any other style here?

  4. Libertarian Advocate, do you mean to keep the commercials "edgy"?

  5. Brooke, That's what we try to do here.

  6. Funny Stuff, Odie!

    I see the ho's from o's hood are out in style, they should have his new bumber stickers on their fat azzes.

  7. Odie, I er, er, I er, am speechless. And I love your style.

  8. I always liked those two for the price of one deals. Back in the youth in the "Zona Roja" in Acapulco the cost for that quickie was 5 pecos and the rate of exchange was 12.5 pecos per dollar. By the way, it was legal and the government had that "MDA" stamped on the butt of each girl. "MDA" is the same as "USDA" here in the States. And for those of you that think I'm lying because you never saw that stamp---I'm sorry about all the shots you had to have when you got back home.

  9. Me thinks you have given the gals of this particular profession a loophole here Odie :)

  10. Bwahahahahahaha. Love their new sign. You just had to throw a WalMart mess in there didn't you.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  11. you could combine posts like these with your other regular features here, Odie. I'm thinking "Hookers of Walmart"?

    *shrieks and runs away*

  12. Your, uh, spread reminds me of Johnny Carson's name for them when he was still in NY -

    Pavement Princesses.

  13. Bunni, you mean the "Vote Here" stickers?

  14. Opie, I value your opinion more than you know.

  15. Ron, I'm glad you spent your money "wisely".

  16. Christopher, they'll take whatever they can get.

  17. Sandee, you win the prize. I wanted to see who noticed.

  18. TWP, You need to pay more attention like Sandee.

  19. edutcher, thank you Dude! I forgot all about that.

  20. As someone once said to me, "The good old days really were".

    Glad to help.

    PS When are you going to do another trivia post like the one about 4 or 5 months ago, all 50s and 60s (mostly 50s) TV, music, and movies?

    That was fun.

  21. Edutcher, I don't even know if I can get up each morning. Oh OK, I'll see if I can find one.

  22. Don't hurt yourself, man. I know how it can hurt to take the first few steps in the morning (if The Blonde could have a hot tub in the bedroom, we'd have it).

    I was just wondering.

  23. Edutcher, my brother in law sends me those things by the bucket. I just have to weed throught about a thousand emails.

  24. OK, sorry, don't want you to actually have to work on the blog.

    Then it wouldn't be any fun.

    And it is fun.

  25. Edutcher, no problem. I just need the time.

  26. The selection of "fallen women" has really fallen off at WalMart.

  27. Scott, it just sort of goes in waves.


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