Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Worst Ever Rule 5 Woodsterman Style.

 May the breezes of the season brighten your holidays.


  1. Dear lord... I want the 46 secs back that I just wasted.. I can't believe I made it that far....

  2. Fart humor, it works even on Holidays.

    Nude farting, um, no thanks.

  3. Fart humor eh Admiral? Odie I always have wondered about you, but now I am really worried about me!

  4. Pissed, the title should have warned you.

  5. Ya I know... but it's kinda like driving by a car wreck with death and distruction.. you kinda look for a bit :D

    Merry Christmas to you!

  6. Shit happens but I wouldn't record it. :)

  7. Um, she ain't hot, fart humor aside.

  8. Um, I know I'm a chick and all, but I would say she's downright skanky.

    She looks blitzed. Actually, she reminds me of Ke$ha, or however you spell it.

  9. just a normal night on the town on my streets...GAGGG...sorry to say.

  10. And I wasted about 3 seconds...HA!

  11. Does anyone have a match? I would love to fire her up in the old Viking way!!!!

  12. I dunno Odie, I've been sounding off like that for years and years and no one ever threw me up on PhewTube like that.

  13. Odie, some times I worry about you... but not as much as the chick who agreed to be filmed farting or the guy filming it.

  14. Brooke, don't forget where you are. she's skanky yes but funny to us-ions dumb guys.

  15. Sig 94, you dunno ... it's expected from us guys dooooode.

  16. Madhat, young man you get it more than you'll ever know.

  17. A new low... and that's saying something lol

    BUT that's what we like about you, brutha!


    You Know Who's Kinda HAWT?
    Miss Argentina 2011 - Antonella Kruger

    Merry Christmas to you-n-yours, Odie

  18. RR, you do honor me so. Not the link, but the comment, "A new low". You'll never know (or will you?) how much that really means to me.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.