Sunday, June 26, 2011


 See the "S" under his knee? That stands for "Stupid".
 YUP! Plastic melts over an open flame.
 Don't worry folks ... I think this a "Doggy break / traffic jam" . . . OR
 Hey Buddy !
Have you ever seen a dog chase his tail?
This is what happens if he were to catch it.

Thanks David and Stopsign (H/T)


  1. S is definitely for stupid, but that hungry snake is down right creepy!

  2. Randy, I can't argue that point. Do you think he can slither out of there.

  3. The Buddy picture is adorable. The kid looks happy.

  4. Riding a motorcycle with your arms straight up can not be comfortable. Wouldn't they go to sleep?

    I could have done without the snake - thank you very much. Ugh!

  5. Stupid is as stupid does.
    I'm sure the moron who put the plastic on the burner was a demotard.

    PS: those bumper stikers are great.

  6. lmbo nope I feel like a genius now! Have a beautiful rest of the weekend~!:)

  7. In my former business, we used to call these guys like the one on the motorcycle...bone donors!

  8. Adrienne said...

    "Riding a motorcycle with your arms straight up can not be comfortable. Wouldn't they go to sleep?"

    ..Adrienne, back in the day, they were called "ape hangers". I don't think that the guy would have to worry about having his arms go to sleep. Given how hard it looks to steer the chopper, I'm guessing he will be put to sleep permanently in short order.

    Odie, thanks for running these series you do and making us *all* feel a little better about ourselves (when compared to our fellow humans at the shallower end of the gene pool).

  9. Opie, it reminds me of a couple of photos you've posted.

  10. Adrienne, yup, sleepy armed motorcycle riding.

  11. Bunni, the real Demotard is posted tomorrow.

  12. Scooney, I believe bone donor is the name for that guy.

  13. TWP, by coming here I'd like to welcome you to the shallow end.

  14. Strange-But-True. I had an old Barbarian biker friend named Bullit.Once a bullethad passed clean through his skull dead center and he lived. I helped him with the prep work on his Harley as he got ready to paint it and put it back in service. He had a set of "ape hangers" on it. I suggested that he might want to go back to a set of pullbacks for local city use. He agreed. Two weeks later he came to my house to show off his completed cycle. He left that evening, hit a truck at an intersection and was killed. Any moral here? Maybe it is stick to what you are used to.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.