Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Toons and Humor Are Getting Better Too ...

Leave it to some old guy to 
come up with this poster.
He's My Hero !
Thanks Dan !


  1. You have to question the character of any man who would marry a shrew like Michelle Obama and stay married to her.

  2. These were very funny! Looking at the two twats up top though make me want to vomit so early in the morning!

    PS: Thanks for your sweet comments re; my anniv. you are a great friend and I appreciate it.

  3. LL, I completely understand why a mouse would marry that woman.

  4. These were totally hilarious! The last one has me LMAO!

    Maybe BO needs to stimulate himself?

  5. He married her because it's the closest he could get to a man without it actually being a man (and some days I have my doubts about that.) Can you say "downlow?"

  6. For some reason, the cartoon with the nukes strikes me as the funniest of the lot. Then again, I go for really dark humor.

  7. Euripides, This dirty old man really loves the last one.

  8. I"m not surprised Odie. Not surprised at all.

  9. Monstrous funny Woodster, does anything like this get into the msm?

  10. Banned I'm afraid not ... MSM has no sense of humor.

  11. Down-low (sexual slang): Men who identify as straight, but have sex with men (often a friend) on the side without disclosing this to their female partner(s).

  12. That's a great cartoon. What a blast! I would like to widen my blog if it's not to difficult. Going to steal that golf shot toon for my cartoon blog with link back.


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