Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just When You Thought Is Was Safe ~ Walmart 2

 Ahhh….Reindeer run on Red Bull….makes total sense now!
 I’m sure it’s just fiiiiiiine to take candy from this guy and sit on his lap while your parents shop!
 WTF is it? And WHY the hell is it at Wal-Mart??
No need to exercise anymore- just buy clothing that shows everyone what you WANT to look like. 

Thanks Dan !


  1. The large rodent looks like a nutria. It is a destructive pest in the southern states.

  2. Supi, I thought it was a Capybara from South America.

  3. The top one looks like a Keebler elf that might just have delivered cookies.

  4. I've got to buy me some new clothes like the last lady was wearing.And I thought that animal was a pet porcupine.

    Odie, I've got something to email you (That I think you will like as soon as I figure out which email address to send it to)

  5. LL, you could be right, so I will bow to your elf knowledge.

  6. @ LL,,Yea Keebler Elf from Brokeback Mountain

    Animal - I am with Supi as it was my first thought.

    As to 'Santa', well Odie it looks a tad like your avatar?,,Just sayin'

  7. I'll let be known to you my favorite 5'-11" stopsign.

  8. I was going to vote for capybara.

    And Odie, doncha know that there is a skinny foxy gal inside of each of us ladies?

  9. It's a capybara. The question still arises: WHY is it parked at the WalMart? And is it a seeing-eye capybara?

    Christopher's right Woodie. That Santa looks a little too familiar here....

    Opus: You don't need any of that outward gal stuff, you rock as a great mom!

  10. I stand corrected. Maybe there is a meat processing department at that walmart. Here's Capybara stew picture

  11. Opie, yes I do, and I know for a fact you have yours on the outside too.

  12. Euripides, shoot another one catches me. I can't git nutin past yous smarty allicks.

  13. I don't know what would make me scream more, the giant rodent, or that pervy santa.

  14. Bunni, as you've heard, I'm partial to the pervy Santa.

  15. I thought everyone brought their capybara shopping?


    Yes, I ate a capybara - and it didn't taste good...true story. So it may have been an eatin' capybara, not a seeing-eye capybara...

  17. Had Guinea Pig sometimes while working in Bolivia. It's not all that good to eat either. Then again, a lot of stuff in Bolivia tasted like dirt.

    Begging the question: Why is there a capybara in WalMart???? That really hits my weirdness factor.

  18. never heard of a capybara and certainly hoping I have never eaten one.

    I am not that adventerous with my meat selections. Now I know why.

  19. never heard of a capybara and certainly hoping I have never eaten one.

    I am not that adventerous with my meat selections. Now I know why.

  20. Euripides, Book smart doesn't help one in the way of animal care. You can't leave him in the car. He's not potty trained.

  21. Conservative girl, One should try new things ... it got you here didn't it.


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