Monday, February 21, 2011

Just When You Thought Is Was Safe ~ Walmart 4

When it’s gonna require a little more than a just a little Nip and Tuck
 My Mom always said “If yer gonna throw a tantrum, you may as well be dusting the floor while you’re down there!” OR Trick ridin' Walmart style.
 Trollin' ????
What happens if you can manage to keep your Chia Pet alive long enough

Thanks Dan!


  1. I'm glad they got that first pic. from the back view. And that last one would skeer me if I ran into that guy at night..on hell who am I kidding? in the day time too.

  2. What is so funny about dragging a child behind a disability scooter? Excellent way of clearing unintended spillages.

  3. I can see some bald man with sense of humor walking by that man with hair saying "Show off".

  4. Stopsign, It's a wonder he doesn't scare himself. He has to scare everyone else.

  5. Banned, I agree, they should hire the mother and son team.

  6. Supi, please let the rest of us know when you do.

  7. These never get old

  8. The really sad part of the WalMart saga is that you simply can't make this stuff up.

  9. Let me guess, this is a Madison, WI Wallmart, where all the crazy libtard protestors are taking a shopping break.

  10. Bunni, you are probably right. Couldn't you just picture the last guy in a classroom.

  11. Greetings Mr. Woodster!
    These are very frightening pictures of WMt people. the last is the worst.

    bonks for a happy day.

  12. Um... can I get some brain bleach over here? And what is even scarier, is these 'people' breed too!

  13. Oh boy! I wonder how much his hair weighs? Was common sense lost in the gene pool somewhere?

  14. lmao, oh but I needed a good giggle (and I always know where to go for one, thanks for being you, dear Odie!)

  15. Man, I love the WalMart people.

  16. Old NFO, They do breed, and your bleach is on aisle 10.

  17. Teresa, the problem being that pool keeps getting deeper.

  18. FUZZY!, Hi I've missed you kind lady. You know being "Me" is what I do best, and giggles are what I'm about.

  19. Kid, thanks for dropping by. Walmart is what, I'm afraid, I'm known for around these parts. Someone just sent me some more ... soooo oh boy!

  20. Long overdue Odie. Someone sent me an email a couple months ago titled the people of WalMart. Big hairy ugly guys dressed up like women, some like fairies, and most of the pics had your draw dropping that people actually find a way to go out like that. heheh. ManOman

  21. Thanks Odie... but I'm going to Publix for it...


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