Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just When You Thought Is Was Safe ~ Walmart 5

 I feel SO SORRY for this kid when he was HALF his size….think about it for a moment, on second thought...don't.
 How’s that go again??....No shoes, No Shirt….oh, you got suspenders? Well, okay go on in Bubba….
 I’m sure this gets the Ladies excited!  OR Not on your best day Bubba ...
 Can’t this guy (???)  see the hat clearly does NOT match his outfit???
UM! who is in that much of a hurry to get to Wal-Mart you can’t finish dressing? Pants are in isle 22 Granny!!!

OR that must be the end  .... That's all folks ! 

Thanks Dan for the fun ...


  1. You know you have lived long enough when you can go and see this stuff in public.

  2. The leg rests are the ultimate in faith and hope... unless you're at WalMart and then you may want to pass on the leg rest thing.

  3. Seeing Wallyworld photos has me missing the days of hat and gloves.

  4. I just had to check out these pics this morning (Gotta go by this place and pick up some things for mom) I WILL take my Camera...

    P.S. I'm just hoping no one is taking pics of me there too..
    BTW~ The man with the built in leg rest should just "Give Up" It aint gonna happen

  5. THANK YOU for posting this! I love
    going to your blog!!

    Common Cents

  6. Admiral, it can only get better or worse, depending on your point of view.

  7. LL, in his case it's a "tit for tat" issue here. You catch what you use bait for ...

  8. Stopsign, you meet a better class of leg rests at Target.

  9. Oh my! oh my! The leg rests dude is a disgusting pig. I think there needs to be a course on how to dress properly.

  10. Teresa, there is a course. It's called "let's do Walmart at Woodsterman's place."

  11. You don't have to go to the automotive department to get ya some mud flaps. Just ask that last granny.

  12. I 'think' that is a she in the pink hat... maybe... Don't really want to find out...

  13. Innominatus, you'll find her on aisle 12.

  14. Old NFO, where's your spirit of adventure?

  15. They get worse by the minute out there.

  16. Bunni, when you say worse, do you mean better?

  17. OMG. Imagine being behind granny when she had to bend over to reach the less expensive Wheaties.

    These people honestly think they're hot. hahahaaa


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