Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just When You Thought Is Was Safe ~ Walmart 3

 Ghetto Smurfette ~ OR ~ sing along ... "68 tons and what ya get .... "
 I never leave home without my Kangaroo and my wallet!
 SERIOUSLY???? You have GOT to be KIDDING ME?? I have no words….. Come on, at least some tacky Walmart sweat pants.
Some lucky kiddo out there has a Grandma and Grandpa all rolled into one!

Thanks Dan ... I think.


  1. This simply serves to remind me that if I'm in need of entertainment, I need go no further than the nearest WalMart.

  2. Cut off football jersey and satin are a combo that I wouldn't put together.

  3. Supi, it's important for ladies like yourself to keep up with these styles.

  4. That last pic Reminds me!
    I better stock up on hair remover now.

  5. Stopsign, I'll bet you can find it at Walmart.

  6. Society as we knew it is forever gone.

    #3 Unbelievable.

  7. Remember how I said there was a pretty, skinny gal inside all of us? I take that back now after seeing these pictures.

  8. Christ Wood...Christ I say. # 3. Dear God...take away what my eye's doth behold.

  9. Is that a kangaroo in you pocket or you you just happy to see me?

  10. That's it. I'll never set foot in a WalMart again. The photos are bad enough. I do NOT want to see these things in person.

  11. Oh, at least I don't shop there. I would be horrified if I saw these in person.

    Too funny.

  12. Opie ca mon, you gots to be kiddin'. Now sing along ....

  13. Jake, you sure wouldn't want to catch that on someone's shopping cart.

  14. I'm sure swishing your colostomy bag around in public would be illegal in Britain. "Outraging public decency" probably covers it.

  15. Euripides, if it helps, I've never seen these things in person. These are sent to me by people daring me to post them. Aren't they a silly bunch?

  16. Conservative Girl, It's the rage ... come on it'll grow on you ... you'll learn to love it as I have.

  17. Banned, You have to keep those things cool. You wouldn't want that thing steaming would you?

  18. OMG, Odie - a decorative bag of piss, the latest Walmart fashion accessory - don't leave home without it!!!


  19. OMG these have to be the worst yet.

    Moshell will be very mad at you for posing her pic during the vail vacay. (lst pic)

  20. Hi Spidey, they sell those things already filled as a wardrobe accessory.

  21. I need that piss bag for when I am watching the games! add in a hat that holds beer cans and I will never have to leave the couch

  22. Endo_2011, You've just picked the perfect Super Bowl outfit. You would never miss a play or commercial again.


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