Monday, February 14, 2011

A Penquin Car

You ask, "What does this have to do with Valentines Day?"
Well not a damn thing ... So, Happy Valentines Day !


  1. That was funny!
    Happy Valentine's Day, Odie & Mrs. Odie.

  2. Thank you Lady ,,, and a Happy Valentines Day to you two too.

  3. But Where is the gun? lol
    Happy Valentines Day!

  4. Thanks for sharing your home movies of your fav bar and how you spent the weekend, Odie, Ha ha!
    Happy Valentines Day to you & Mrs. Odie.

  5. Happy V day to you and yours Odie.

  6. Bunni, for you anything! I'm always happy to share with close friends and Valentines.

  7. Thank you Opie, and Happy Valentines Day to you.


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