Monday, February 7, 2011

Krista Branch ~ "Remember Who We Are"

If by chance you live in a cave and haven't heard
"I Am America" by Krista please give it a listen.


  1. She is hard to forget, and its a great tune too!

  2. Great News,I don't live in a I really like this song. Thanks Odie

  3. It is too bad she didn't sing the National Anthem at the game.

  4. Stopsign, if you did live in a cave I'll bet you'd decorate it in the wrong color.

  5. Supi, I'll drink to that. It's also too bad George Strait didn't do the half time show ... It was Texas after all.

  6. It reminds us all of that perspective that we need to sustain us through the dark Obama years. We're all Americans, we all count and what we do is important.

  7. Oh yeah!! I love this one. Nice find, Woodrow.

  8. Christopher, She always does a great job.

  9. I love this song! She does a great job!

    I think my apartment may qualify as a cave.

  10. I guess I live in a man cave - a Krista Branchless man cave. Although I may start paying more attention to her. She's certainly easy on the eyes.

  11. Great vid, just crawled out of my cave in time to catch it.

  12. Teresa, young peoples apartments often do.

  13. Euripides, She's a Tea Party favorite. Check out "I Am America", it will get you in the mood to go to a Tea Party.

  14. Banned, She is a new conservative listening sensation. The libs don't like her, so if you want to find her she's on YouTube and iTunes.


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