Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why Boys Need Their Parents ....

    Just in case you wondered how we guys got this way....
We haven't really changed have we ?
Smile !
My friend is circumcised and I will be soon.
Robbin, hang on there little buddy, I'm on my way.
Little Cowabunga Dude
My Great, Great, Great Grandfather is Ben Franklin.

Thanks Uncle David ~ Happy Birthday to my son Tom.


  1. These are funny! I'm surprised the kids lived to see a birthday!

  2. "My friend is circumcised and I will be soon."


  3. Parental nightmares!!

  4. Mal, as usual, I'm just getting started with these. Watch out for ObamaCare, this could happen.

  5. Ahhhh....... those were the days, Odie. ;-)

  6. Great shots! And the memories, as Barking said those were the days.

    A Happy B-Day to Tom!

  7. Me next on the skateboard young'un, just you bring it back up for me K!

  8. Christopher, Those were the days, and Tom thanks you for the birthday wish.

  9. I, in my youth, did some pretty crazy things with my skateboard too, Indy.

  10. I don't know how we survived. No childproofing back then.

  11. Opie, the libs are now on a mission to protect everyone from everything. If they would just look back at their own childhood, and realize it was a learning experience.

  12. This is when boys were allowed and encouraged to be boys. We need to stop the feminization of boys in America.

  13. Teresa, you're right!!! No more metrosexuals !


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