Wednesday, September 8, 2010

NewsBusted 9/7/10 ~


  1. Odie - Another excellent Newsbusted.

  2. Jodi's got a ten carat smile. Rachel Maddow should be so lucky.

  3. Carly for Senate? I hope that is just because Boxer is sooooooooooo bad.

  4. These always make my day. Jody is very smart and I agree, she has a great smile.

  5. Thanks Supi, I was a day late with this because all the show booth stuff had to be put away on Tuesday. Last show is over ... yea.

  6. Euripides, Rachel Maddow is too busy hating to work on a smile instead of her frown.

  7. Conservative Girl, We have two choices, Carly or Bow Wow. I'll gladly support Carly (and I am a volunteer) over that piece of crap that wants to be called Senator instead of Ma'am.

  8. Bunni, I think it's the best smile on YouTube.


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