Saturday, September 4, 2010

... City By The Bay ...

This helps explain the election of Nancy Pelosi


  1. Is this the pic of the morning after she invited barney frank over for drinks, and he lost his clothes?

  2. Give credit where credit is due;

    The guy has guts and is very color coordinated,,,lmao

  3. I need to start my diet so I can pull off this look!

  4. Oh my What!

    A diet to get down to that guys petite size??

  5. I was thinking of a beer diet to add a few lbs!

  6. Heard and understood, I was thinking the word diet in the most common usage.

    I would not advise you doing so however, but the beer sounds GREAT!

  7. Dude needs a pink man-bra to complete the look. Seriously. If that guy can legally go topless, every chick smaller than a 40DD should also be able.

    "Equal protection under the law" and all that...

  8. This man could use a pink teddy to go with his outfit.

  9. This why I'm a Dodgers fan.

  10. Hoping, you've never been to San Francisco have you?

  11. Opie, you don't have to live in San Francisco to love winter, but it sure helps.

  12. Supi, I'll pass some of that brain bleach your way.

  13. Christopher, I'm with you ... I think he's a sweetheart too.

  14. Righty, we all look forward to the new slim you in a pink speedo.

  15. Christopher, I was trying to be nice to Righty, butt I noticed his weight slip too.

  16. Righty, we're talking San Francisco here. It will have to be a nice wine with the pinky out of course.

  17. Christopher, you went along with Righty's beer diet ruse just a little too easily. What are you up to?

  18. innominatus, would you call that ta ta tolerance?

  19. Nickie, I haven't watched a Giant game in years. Is this what they wear on the field now?

  20. Thank You all so much for the GREAT comments. I love it when we can give hell to a Pelosi voter.

  21. watched 12 hours of football yesterday to cleanse my brain and then stupidly, I logged back on and I am scarred again! damn you Odie!

  22. TWP, Being in California, you should be used to this site.

  23. Righty, as Barney Frank would say, "Be afwaid, be very afwaid!"

  24. Let me just add that this is one of the most troubling images of recent memory. As noted above, infinitely more troubling that *all* of the Walmart images you have put up!

    I'd cite the legal concept of "attractive nuisance" but I am afraid many of your readers' heads would explode (as would mine).

  25. TWP, I like to call it "Pretty in Pink".

  26. I can't believe that no one has noticed that this fool is jaywalking! That's a $35 fine bucko!

  27. Sig94, I hate to burst your bubble, but I believe that white line behind him is one side of a cross walk.

  28. Spidey, It is if you're in San Francisco.


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