Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Whole Lot of Rednecking II

Thanks Opie at American Perspective (h/t)


  1. Thanks for the link, Odie. These pics are pure art.

  2. Bunni, Thank for complimenting all of us Rednecks.

  3. Opie, Thanks for my redneck photo stash. They do look right here, don't they?

  4. I really like car window. One of our cars sure could use that fix.

    It is too bad I didn't have my camera the other day when I saw a 1967 VW Beetle with an air conditioner attached to the outside of the passenger window.

  5. Foam insulation and duct tape. /swoon

  6. #4 - Talk about Water-borading! That does not look like torture to me?

  7. Supi, you broke my heart. That camera needs to be in your purse from now on.

  8. Kristin, I'm glad to see the kids let you out to play today. We're just a couple of rednecks at heart, huh ... swoon.

  9. Christopher, Fun on the farm is the name of the game. It looks like a real hoot!

  10. There is so much awesomeness here I don't know where to begin!
    Except the Civic w/ JetSki. I call BS on that one, because any self-respecting redneck who has a little car would only have a Pinto or a Vega. With really wide mag wheels, of course.

  11. innominatus, I'm surprised it's anything other than a pick-up.


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