Sunday, September 19, 2010

Why Boys Need Their Parents 4 ....

We'll do a little round up here of boys
will be boys photos. Guys, did you find
yourself yet?
Spike you're looking real good.
Now lets play tic-tac-toe.
Now where did Mommy put those cookies?
Daddy, why isn't Mommy laughing too?
Look at my smiley face ... mmm, this tastes good!

Thanks David


  1. Ahhhhhhh, these were so cute, of course I loved the doggie one, and the little tike with his watermelon is sweet. What a nice way to start a Sunday Morning.

  2. Supi, I like to think of them a "Timeless and True".

  3. Bunni, you're about Sunday Morning except you forgot FOOTBALL !

  4. I wonder if the child with the watermelon is the same person all grown-up getting smashed in the head by one a few days ago? Revenge of the watermelons maybe?

  5. Christopher, If you're going to get along in this life, you're going to have to be able to differentiate between boys and girls.

  6. Odie, I have no problem in that regard and I know the title but show me where "male" is stamped on the child's head.

  7. Boys are definitely being boys in those pictures. That's great!

  8. Christopher ... lighten up. This is the funny blog, remember?

  9. Teresa, It's a fun topic that we'll just have to repeat down the road.

  10. That always happens whenever I try to get something out of the fridge.

  11. Ah Trestin, did you ever get one on the backside in that position?


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